Travel Management

Visa travel insurance: everything you need to know

Grégory Meslin
Responsable Marketing & Communication

When planning a trip, it's important to consider every aspect, including travel insurance. Did you know that most bank cards offer travel insurance? However, it's essential to understand that there are conditions and ceilings to be respected that are quite different from France. In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about travel insurance for your Visa Premier, Visa Infinite and Visa Classic cards, as well as Visa Schengen insurance.

How to differentiate between assistance coverage and travel insurance?

Travel insurance plays a crucial role in protecting travelers. To make the right decision, it's essential to understand the benefits and distinctions between travel assistance and travel insurance.

What is travel assistance?

Travel assistance refers to emergency services that can help you in the event of a problem during your trip. These services include medical assistance, legal assistance and any other form of logistical help required.

What is travel insurance?

On the other hand, travel insurance acts primarily as financial cover for unforeseen and costly things that you have to pay for on the spot or after the fact. This type of travel insurance therefore usually includes coverage for medical expenses, trip cancellation or interruption, lost or stolen luggage, civil liability or even repatriation in case of need.

However, each provider of this type of insurance is different, so it's important to check what is and isn't covered. What's more, even if most of these coverages are included, it's the ceilings that you need to watch out for. For medical expenses, for example, your insurance may cover them in one country, but may be insufficient in another, such as the USA, which is notorious for its exorbitant costs. So don't hesitate to consult your insurance contract or ask your advisor for more information.

What assistance guarantees are included with Visa bank cards?

Visa bank cards offer a range of travel assistance benefits. Travel assistance provided by Visa can include:

  • Health assistance: In the event of a health problem such as injury or illness, medical assistance can give you access to medical professionals, medical advice by telephone or other services. Expenses are also covered up to the stated maximum.
  • Legal assistance: In the event of legal problems abroad, this type of assistance is useful to provide you with legal advice and help in finding a lawyer in the place where you are staying. Legal fees can also be covered.
  • Logistical assistance: Visa Assistance can help you if your travel documents, such as your passport or plane tickets, are lost or stolen. They can also help you find emergency accommodation or organize repatriation if necessary.

It is important to note that these assistance benefits are provided by Visa and may vary depending on the type of card and the specific terms and conditions of your contract. We recommend that you consult the terms and conditions of your Visa card for precise details of assistance coverage and limits.

What travel insurance does Visa offer?

Visa bank cards offer a range of travel insurances to protect you when traveling outside France. Here are some of the most common types of insurance available:

  1. Medical insurance: This covers health expenses in the event of illness or accident during your trip. It can include hospitalization, medical consultations, medication and emergency dental care.
  2. Trip cancellation insurance: If you have to cancel your trip for unforeseen reasons covered by the insurance policy, this insurance can reimburse you for cancellation costs such as airline tickets, hotel reservations and non-refundable travel expenses.
  3. Travel delay insurance: If your flight is delayed and you miss a connection, or if you are forced to change your travel plans due to a long delay, this insurance can reimburse you for the additional costs incurred.
  4. Baggage loss or theft insurance: In the event of loss, theft or damage to your baggage during your trip, this insurance can reimburse you for the cost of replacing or repairing your personal belongings.
  5. Third-party liability insurance: This insurance protects you in the event of property damage or bodily injury caused to third parties during your trip. It can cover repair costs, medical expenses and legal fees.

For travel within the Schengen area, there is a specific insurance policy called Schengen Visa insurance. This insurance is designed for travelers to member countries of the Schengen area, where insurance requirements are mandatory. Visa Schengen insurance is specially designed to meet the specific criteria and requirements of this destination. It offers coverage for medical expenses, repatriation assistance, third-party liability and other essential needs when traveling within the Schengen area.

Please note that specific coverage and conditions may vary depending on the type of Visa card you have. We recommend that you consult your card's terms and conditions for precise details of the travel insurance provided.

What are the exclusions of Visa travel insurance?

Visa travel insurance includes certain exclusions that may vary depending on the type of card and the specific conditions of your contract. Here are some common examples of possible exclusions:

  1. Pre-existing medical conditions: Pre-existing medical conditions may be excluded from coverage, meaning that medical expenses related to these conditions will not be reimbursed.
  2. Risky activities: Certain activities considered dangerous or extreme, such as extreme sports, combat sports, mountaineering, etc., may be excluded from coverage.
  3. Travel to high-risk areas: Certain countries or regions considered politically unstable or dangerous may be excluded from coverage.
  4. Business travel: If you travel for business purposes, some travel insurances may not cover incidents occurring during these trips.
  5. Alcohol or drug use: Incidents that occur under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be excluded from coverage.

What's more, you'll need to use the Visa card in question to pay for your trip, whether for accommodation or flights.

It is important to carefully read the terms and conditions of your Visa travel insurance contract to determine the specific exclusions that apply to your situation. If you have any doubts or questions, we recommend that you contact your insurance company or Visa card-issuing bank directly for clarification.

How can I make a claim on my Visa travel insurance?

To make a claim or request a refund for your Visa travel insurance, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Gather the necessary documents: Before submitting your claim, make sure you have all the required documents at hand. This may include your insurance contract, proof of purchase of airline tickets, medical bills, police reports, etc.
  2. Contact your insurance company: Start by contacting your insurance company or Visa card-issuing bank for specific information on the claims process. They will provide you with the necessary claim forms and instructions on how to complete them correctly.
  3. Complete the claim form: Fill in the claim form carefully, providing all the required information. Be sure to include all supporting documents requested to substantiate your claim.
  4. Submit your claim: Once you've completed the claim form and gathered all the necessary documents, submit them to your insurance company according to the instructions provided. Be sure to keep copies of all documents submitted for your personal records.
  5. Follow the progress of your claim: After submitting your claim, follow its progress regularly by contacting your insurance company. They will be able to provide you with updates on the status of your claim and answer any questions you may have.

It is important to note that claims procedures may vary from one insurance company to another. It is therefore recommended that you consult the specific information provided by your Visa insurance company to ensure that you follow the appropriate steps for your claim.

How can I obtain a Visa travel insurance certificate?

To obtain a Visa travel insurance certificate, please follow the steps below:

  1. Identify your insurance company: First of all, identify the insurance company that provides travel insurance with your Visa card. This may be your card-issuing bank or a partner insurance company.
  2. Contact your insurance company: Once you've identified the insurance company, contact them directly to request a travel insurance certificate. You can usually contact them by phone, e-mail or via their website.
  3. Provide the necessary information: When you contact the insurance company, make sure you have the following information to hand: your name, your Visa card number, the dates of your trip and any other specific information required by the insurance company.
  4. Ask for a travel insurance certificate: Explain to the insurance company that you need a travel insurance certificate for your personal needs. They will guide you through the procedure for obtaining this attestation.
  5. Receive the insurance certificate: Once you have provided all the necessary information, the insurance company will send you the travel insurance certificate. This may be in electronic form (by e-mail) or in paper form (by post).

It is important to note that the procedures for obtaining a travel insurance certificate may vary depending on the insurance company and the specific conditions of your contract.

Fairjungle's opinion

Visa travel insurance offers effective cover for your stays abroad, but it's the fact that it's included with your everyday bank card that makes it so practical. However, if you want to be perfectly protected when traveling, we recommend that you take out dedicated insurance policies, which will provide you with more comprehensive cover, with ceilings adapted to the country of destination.

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