Travel Management

All you need to know about corporate travel

John Iversen
Growth Marketer

Business tourism for seminar, incentive or team-building trips has grown considerably in recent years. With the aim of motivating, bringing together and rewarding a team, building customer loyalty or even creating new partnerships, corporate travel offers a particularly powerful social experience. So why not make corporate travel part of your strategy? Read all about corporate travel in this article.

What is a company trip?

In other words, a company trip is a business trip. It represents a one-off mission to be carried out away from the employee's home, for a period of more than twenty-four hours. It can take place in France or abroad. You can organize a business trip for a variety of reasons: as part of a trade show, company seminar, team building or promotional event.

Why organize a company trip?

Business or corporate travel has a number of major benefits. Firstly, they help to develop your brand image and publicize your services. According to one study, 25% of companies surveyed said that business travel represents a real investment, and more than half claim to recover the funds invested once their trip is over!

Secondly, organizing a company trip is an excellent way of strengthening team cohesion. Company trips give employees the opportunity to get to know each other better outside the workplace, strengthening bonds and improving job satisfaction. Indeed, group travel enables them to exchange ideas in a completely different, more relaxed atmosphere, which considerably reduces their stress levels and enhances their well-being.

A company trip is often experienced as a pleasant interlude, even if we're still in a professional context.employees are generallymore motivated and perform better when they return to the office!

A change of environment also stimulates your employees' creativity. New experiences, in a setting different from the one your employees are used to, encourage the emergence of new projects. This incentive trip is also an opportunity to meet customers, business partners or colleagues in a more informal setting. This can strengthen professional relationships and lead to new collaborations!

How to organize a company trip?

Organizing a company trip requires meticulous upstream planning to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Here are the essential steps for organizing your company trip: 

  1. Define the company's needs
  2. Define the purpose of your business trip
  3. Define a budget
  4. Choose your destination
  5. Define duration (weekend, week?)
  6. Choose your means of transport
  7. Define travel constraints and requirements, appointments and people to meet.

To find out more, please refer to our article: How to organize a business trip?

Why use a travel agency?

To make things easier for themselves, more and more companies are turning to a business travel agency. Its mission is to help you organize your trip. Even if the trip can be organized in-house, the agency is able to suggest travel ideas and build customized itineraries to suit your budget.

What's more, it lets you take advantage of special rates on flights and hotels. You'll get the best travel deals! Whatever the size of your company, you can call on a business travel agency to organize your company trips.

Teams already have a lot of projects to manage, and the simple fact of delegating the complete organization of business trips (researching itineraries, flights, hotel rooms or car rentals) is a significant time-saver. You and your staff can then reinvest the time saved in other activities within the company. 

In short, entrusting your corporate travel project to a specialized agency allows you to optimize your company's financial resources, save time and guarantee the success of your event. Travel agents target your needs perfectly, in terms of destinations, budget and number of participants, and propose corporate trips that meet them perfectly. 

The added benefit is that, over time, you'll develop a relationship of trust and benefit from long-term collaboration with a team of experts dedicated to the success of your business trips.

Would you like to delegate the organization of your corporate trip to ensure the best possible experience? Whether in Paris, France, in another European country such as Portugal, Spain or Italy, or on the other side of the world, such as Mexico or the United States, calling on an expert business travel agency is an excellent solution!

At FairJungle, we make it easy to manage your travel with a brand new business travel booking tool. We offer you sustainable travel options with low-carbon transportation and accommodation. All over the world!

How do you control expenses during a company trip?

The best way to control corporate travel expenses is to draw up a corporate travel policy. A corporate travel policy is a written document that sets out guidelines for managing business travel. Within this policy, you can clearly define the budget allocated for each business trip, each destination and also each collaborator (employee, manager, etc.). See our sample travel policy here. If you don't know how to go about it, or if you don't have the time to draw it up, a business travel agency can also help you!

Company travel: what the law says

As a company director, you are not obliged to use a service provider to organize your business travel. The choice depends on your company's specific needs, internal policies and available resources. However, if you don't specialize in travel organization yourself, you may not have the skills to organize a trip.

What's more, not all works councils have tourism accreditation to organize trips, even though they are responsible for organizing employee activities within the company. It may therefore be necessary to call on the services of tourism professionals to organize your company trip. In this case, a business travel agency will be able to offer you a customized trip tailored to your project!

Practical tip

If you’re familiar with business trips, you know dragging luggage around can be a major problem and a waste of time. Nannybag flies to your rescue with its collaborative luggage storage network! Nannybag luggage storage service allows travelers to store luggage in local shops, hotels, and restaurants worldwide to enjoy their day hands-free. Book luggage storage with Nannybag online in just a few seconds, in +10,000 locations worldwide, and simplify your business trips!

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