Travel Management

How do I claim compensation from EasyJet?

Grégory Meslin
Responsable Marketing & Communication

When traveling by air, it's not uncommon to encounter unforeseen events such as flight delays or cancellations. These situations can cause significant inconvenience, whether organizational or even financial. Fortunately, passengers have specific rights to compensation, enabling them to make up for any inconvenience suffered. These rights are governed by strict European regulations, guaranteeing adequate protection and appropriate care. Let's take a closer look at EasyJet.

When can I receive compensation from EasyJet?

Flight delayed

To claim a lump-sum compensation or refund from EasyJet in the event of a delayed flight, several conditions and information must be met. Firstly, the delay must be three hours or more on arrival at the destination. This period is calculated from the initially scheduled arrival time to the opening of the aircraft doors at the destination airport.

Secondly, the flight must depart from or arrive at an airport in the European Union, or be operated by a European airline. EasyJet, being a British airline, is subject to these regulations for flights to or from the EU (the headquarters was moved following the Brexit).

It is also important to note that compensation or refund is not automatic if the delay is due to extraordinary circumstances. These circumstances may include extreme weather conditions, security risks, strikes affecting airport operations or air traffic control restrictions. In such cases, the airline is not obliged to pay compensation.

Flight cancelled

To receive compensation from EasyJet for a cancelled flight, several criteria must be met. Firstly, you must have been notified of the cancellation less than 14 days before the scheduled departure date. If you have been informed of the cancellation more than 14 days in advance, you will not be eligible for compensation.

As with delayed flights, they must depart from or arrive at an airport in the European Union, or be operated by a European airline.

Extraordinary circumstances such as extreme weather conditions, security risks, strikes affecting airport operations or air traffic control restrictions also apply to flight cancellations.

What are the different types of EasyJet compensation?

EasyJet offers different types of compensation and reimbursement depending on the circumstances of the disrupted flight. Here are the main types of compensation you can claim:

  1. Financial compensation: Depending on flight distance and arrival delay, passengers may receive financial compensation. Amounts vary from €250 to €600, in accordance with European regulation EC 261/2004.
  2. Ticket refund: If your flight is cancelled or delayed by more than five hours, you have the right to request a full refund of the unused ticket. This also includes flight segments not flown if the delayed or cancelled flight makes the trip unnecessary in relation to your original plan.
  3. Re-routing: In the event of cancellation or long delay, EasyJet must offer you re-routing to your final destination under comparable conditions as soon as possible. You may also choose to postpone your trip to a later date, subject to availability.
  4. Assistance: In the event of a delay of more than two hours, EasyJet is obliged to provide assistance, including meals and refreshments depending on the length of the delay, as well as two telephone calls, faxes or e-mails. If accommodation is required, the company must also cover hotel and transport costs between the airport and the place of accommodation, in accordance with your rights in the event of disruption.
  5. Baggage compensation: If your baggage is lost, damaged or delayed, you may also be entitled to compensation. The amount depends on the nature of the problem and the proof provided of the value of the damaged or lost goods.

These different types of compensation are designed to offset the inconvenience suffered by passengers, and to guarantee adequate care in the event of flight disruption.

What are the EasyJet compensation amounts?

EasyJet's compensation amounts, in accordance with European regulation EC 261/2004, vary according to flight distance, arrival delay or flight cancellation. Here are the specific amounts to which you are entitled:

  1. 250 € : For flights of less than 1,500 kilometers, if the arrival delay is three hours or more.
  2. 400 € : For intra-Community flights over 1,500 kilometers and for other flights between 1,500 and 3,500 kilometers, if the arrival delay is three hours or more.
  3. 600 € : For flights over 3,500 kilometers, if the arrival delay is four hours or more.

It is important to note that these amounts may be reduced by 50% if EasyJet offers a re-routing that allows you to arrive at your destination with a delay less than that specified above:

  • Less than two hours for flights of less than 1,500 kilometers.
  • Less than three hours for intra-Community flights over 1,500 kilometers and for other flights between 1,500 and 3,500 kilometers.
  • Less than four hours for flights over 3,500 kilometers.

These compensation amounts are designed to compensate passengers for the inconvenience caused by flight delays or cancellations.

How long does it take to claim compensation from EasyJet?

The time limits for claiming compensation from EasyJet vary according to the national legislation applicable in the country of departure or arrival of the flight. In general, passengers have five years in which to file a claim in France. However, this period may be different in other European countries.

To maximize your chances of success, we recommend that you submit your claim as soon as possible after the incident. Here are the steps to follow to claim compensation:

  1. Gather the necessary documents: Keep all travel documents, such as boarding passes, booking confirmations and any correspondence with EasyJet concerning the disrupted flight.
  2. Submitting the claim: You can submit your claim directly on the EasyJet website, using the dedicated claims form. Make sure you provide all the required information and attach the relevant documents.
  3. Claim follow-up: After submitting your claim, EasyJet has six weeks in which to respond. If you do not receive a response or your claim is rejected, you can contact the National Civil Aviation Authority or a consumer protection organization for assistance.

By following these steps and acting quickly, you will increase your chances of receiving compensation for the disrupted flight.

How do I claim compensation from EasyJet?

To claim compensation from EasyJet, follow these practical steps:

  1. Gather the necessary documents :
    • Keep all boarding passes, booking confirmations and any correspondence with EasyJet concerning the disrupted flight.
    • Note flight details, such as flight number, date, scheduled departure and arrival times, and actual arrival time.
  2. Go to the claim form :
    • Visit the EasyJet website.
    • Navigate to "Help" or "Contact us".
    • Find the claim form for delayed or cancelled flights.
  3. Fill in the claim form :
    • Fill in all the required information, including your contact details, flight details and the nature of the disruption.
    • Enclose all relevant documents, such as boarding passes and booking confirmations.
  4. Submit request :
    • Check that all information is correct and complete.
    • Submit the form online.
  5. Follow-up :
    • EasyJet has a six-week response time to process your request.
    • If you do not receive a reply, or if your request is rejected, you can contact the National Civil Aviation Authority or a consumer protection organization for assistance.
  6. Recourse in the event of refusal :
    • If EasyJet refuses your claim for compensation, you may have recourse to mediation or legal proceedings, depending on the applicable national legislation.

By following these steps, you can file a claim with EasyJet efficiently and increase your chances of receiving compensation for the disrupted flight.

Practical tip

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